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Can You Drink Alcohol in Italy? A Guide to the Drinking Age in Italy and Laws

drinking age in Italy

Italy is a country famous for its food, wine, and culture. If you plan to visit Italy, you might wonder if you can drink wine or other alcoholic beverages there. What is the legal drinking age in Italy, and what are the rules and regulations regarding alcohol consumption?

What is the Legal Drinking Age in Italy?

File:Flag of Italy.svg - Wikimedia Commons

The legal drinking age in Italy is 18 years old. This means that you have to be 18 or older to buy or consume alcohol in public places, such as bars, restaurants, or shops. This applies to all types of alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, spirits, or cocktails.

Can 16 Years Old Drink in Italy?

The legal drinking age in Italy is 18 years old. This means that you have to be 18 or older to buy or consume alcohol in public places, such as bars, restaurants, or shops. This applies to all types of alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, spirits, or cocktails.

There are some exceptions to this rule. For example, minors aged 16 or 17 can drink a glass of wine or beer with a meal in a restaurant if their parents or legal guardians accompany them. This exception does not apply to other types of alcohol, such as spirits, liqueurs, or mixed drinks. Also, minors can drink alcohol in private settings, such as at home or parties, as long as they have the consent of their parents or legal guardians.

What is the Legal Drinking Age in Italy in 2023? - Italian Cooking and Living

Italy Alcohol Laws & What is a Penalty and Fine

If you are under 18 and you are caught buying or drinking alcohol in public places, you could face a fine of up to €250 (about $290). If you are a business owner or a staff member who sells or serves alcohol to a minor, you could face a fine of between €250 and €1,000 (about $290 to $1,160), lose your license to sell alcohol, or close your business. If you are a driver and you have a blood alcohol level of more than 0.5 grams per liter, you could face a fine, a suspension of your driving license, or even imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.

When you drink alcohol in Italy, you should also follow some basic etiquette and manners, such as:

  1. Always drink moderately and know your limits. Italians do not appreciate drunkenness or rowdiness, and they may consider it rude or disrespectful.
  2. Always drink with food. Italians do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach and usually pair their drinks with snacks or meals. Drinking without eating is seen as unhealthy or uncivilized.
  3. Always drink with the company. Italians do not drink alone; they usually drink with friends, family, or colleagues. Drinking with others is seen as a social and enjoyable activity.

Can You Drink on Beaches in Italy?

Yes, you can drink alcohol on beaches in Italy, as long as you are of legal age and behave responsibly. You can drink alcohol on the sand, in the water, or beach bars without any legal consequences. However, you should respect other people and the environment and avoid causing disturbance or damage. You should also be aware of the local customs and norms and follow the rules of the places you visit. For example, some beaches may have signs prohibiting alcohol consumption, or some events or festivals may have specific regulations on alcohol use. You should always check before you drink.

What Time Can I Buy Alcohol in Italy?

You can buy alcohol in Italy at any time of the day or night, as there are no restrictions on the hours of sale. You can buy alcohol in supermarkets, convenience stores, liquor stores, or vending machines, as well as in bars and restaurants. However, some places may have policies or limitations on the sale of alcohol, such as requiring an ID, limiting the quantity, or charging a higher price. It would be best if you always ask before you buy.

How Do You Ask for a Beer in Italy?

To ask for a beer in Italy, you need to know how to say beer in Italian and how to order it politely. Beer in the Italian language is simply birra (beer-rah). When you are at a bar or a restaurant and you want to order a beer, you can say:

  1. Una birra, per favore (oo-nah beer-rah, pehr fah-voh-reh) = A beer, please.
  2. Vorrei una birra (voh-reh-ee oo-nah beer-rah) = I would like a beer.

In these sentences, the word una (oo-nah) means ‘a’ or ‘one,’ and birra (beer-rah) means beer. So if you wanted two or more beers, you would say due (doo-eh) or tre (three) or quattro (kwah-troh) instead of tuna and so on. You can also specify the type or brand of beer you want, such as lager, ale, or stout, by saying it before or after birra.

For example, you can say:

  1. Una birra lager (oo-nah beer-rah lah-gehr) = A lager beer.
  2. Una Peroni (oo-nah peh-roh-nee) = A Peroni (a famous Italian beer brand).


The legal drinking age in Italy is 18 years old, but it is based on the international age system, not the Italian age system. This means that you have to be 18 or older to buy or consume alcohol in public places, such as bars, restaurants, or shops. This applies to all types of alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, spirits, or cocktails.


What is the legal drinking age in Italy?

The legal drinking age in Italy is 18 years old.

Can I buy alcohol if I’m under 18 in Italy?

No, it is illegal for individuals under the age of 18 to purchase alcohol in Italy.

Are there any exceptions to the legal drinking age in Italy?

No, the legal drinking age is 18, and there are generally no exceptions.

Can I drink wine or beer if I’m under 18 in Italy?

No, the legal drinking age applies to all alcoholic beverages.

What are the penalties for underage drinking in Italy?

Penalties for underage drinking can include fines and other legal consequences.

Are there specific rules for tourists regarding the drinking age in Italy?

No, the legal drinking age applies to both residents and tourists.

Do bars and restaurants in Italy check IDs for age verification?

Yes, it is common for establishments to check IDs to ensure patrons are of legal drinking age in Italy.

Can parents provide alcohol to their children in Italy?

While cultural attitudes may vary, the legal drinking age remains 18.

What is the legal age for purchasing alcohol in stores in Italy?

The legal age for purchasing alcohol in stores is 18.

Is the legal drinking age enforced strictly in Italy?

Yes, Italian authorities generally enforce the legal drinking age. Non-compliance may lead to penalties.

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