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Where Is Paris Bennett Now? Life Story, Crime, Latest Updates

Paris Bennett is a name that evokes horror and disbelief. He is the American teenager who brutally murdered his 4-year-old sister Ella in 2007 when he was only 13 years old. He stabbed her 17 times after sexually assaulting and choking her. His motive was to hurt his mother Charity Lee, who had relapsed into drug addiction. He confessed to his crime and was sentenced to 40 years in prison with the possibility of parole after 20 years. He is currently incarcerated in the Ferguson Unit in Midway Texas.

But who is Paris Bennett and what led him to commit such a heinous act? How did his mother cope with the loss of her daughter and the betrayal of her son? And what are his chances of getting out of prison and living a normal life? Here is his life story crime and latest updates.

Profile Summary – Paris Bennett’s 

Name Paris  Bennet
Nickname Paris
Gender Male
Date of birth October 10th 1993
Place of birth United States
Residence United States
Nationality American
Ethnicity White
Religion Christian
Sexuality Straight
Mother Charity Lee
Siblings Two (Ella Bennet and Phoenix)|
Relationship status Single
Age 28 years
Famous for The murder of his younger sister
Jail term 40 years jail term
Release date February 5th 2047

Early life and family background

Psychopath murdered his sister, 4, 'in revenge for mum's drug relapse' |  Metro News

Paris Bennett was born on October 10, 1993, in Abilene Texas. He was the first child of Charity Lee who was 16 years old when she gave birth to him. His father was not involved in his life and Charity raised him as a single mother. Charity had a troubled childhood herself as her mother Kyla Bennett was accused of conspiring to murder her husband Charity’s father in 1988. Kyla was acquitted but Charity believed she was guilty and had a strained relationship with her.

Paris was a bright and charismatic child who had an IQ of 141 and was enrolled in the gifted and talented program at school. He was also interested in music art and literature and had a talent for singing and playing the guitar. He seemed to have a normal and happy childhood until his sister Ella was born in 2002.

Ella was the result of a brief relationship between Charity and a man named Billy. Charity decided to keep the baby and Paris appeared to love his sister. He was affectionate and protective of her and often played with her. However, he also harbored resentment and jealousy towards her as he felt she took away his mother’s attention and love. He also blamed her for his mother’s drug relapse which happened when Ella was a toddler.

Charity had struggled with drug addiction since she was 12 years old and had been clean for several years before Ella’s birth. However, she relapsed into using cocaine and heroin and became depressed and suicidal. She tried to get help and enrolled in a rehab program in 2006. She also left Paris and Ella in the care of her grandparents who lived in a nearby town.

Paris did not like living with his grandparents and felt abandoned and angry at his mother. He also developed a dark and violent side, which he hid from everyone. He started to fantasize about killing people and even attempted to stab his mother once when she visited him. He was sent to a mental health facility for evaluation but was released after a few days as he convinced the doctors that he was fine.

The murder of Ella Bennett

On February 4, 2007, Charity had to work late at her job at the restaurant Buffalo Wild Wings as it was the night of the Super Bowl. She hired a babysitter to look after Paris and Ella who were staying with her at her apartment in Abilene. Around 10 p.m. Paris managed to persuade the babysitter to leave telling her that he could take care of his sister. He then waited for about an hour before he entered Ella’s room where she was sleeping.

He first choked her then sexually assaulted her and then stabbed her 17 times with a kitchen knife. He later claimed that he did not intend to kill her but only to hurt her and that he panicked when he saw how much she was bleeding. He then called a friend from school, and talked to him for about six minutes before he decided to call 911.

On the 911 call, Paris pretended to be insane and told the operator that he thought Ella was a demon with a pumpkin head and that he stabbed her to save the world. He also acted as if he was trying to perform CPR on her but in reality, he was just pacing around the room. When the police and paramedics arrived they found Ella’s lifeless body on the bed covered in blood. Paris was arrested and taken to the police station where he confessed to his crime.

The trial and sentence of Paris Bennett

Where is Paris Bennett now? Life story, crime, latest updates -

Paris Bennett was charged with capital murder which is punishable by death or life imprisonment in Texas. However, since he was a juvenile he was not eligible for the death penalty and the maximum sentence he could receive was 40 years in prison with the possibility of parole after 20 years. He pleaded guilty to the charge and waived his right to a jury trial. He was sentenced by Judge Lee Hamilton who said that he had never seen such a horrific and senseless crime in his 23 years on the bench.

Paris was initially sent to a juvenile detention center where he received therapy and education. He was also diagnosed as a psychopath, with a score of 38 out of 40 on the Psychopathy Checklist a tool used to measure the degree of psychopathic traits in a person. A score of 30 or above indicates a high level of psychopathy which is characterized by a lack of empathy remorse guilt, or conscience and a tendency to manipulate lie, and exploit others.

When Paris turned 18 he was transferred to an adult prison where he has been ever since. He is currently incarcerated in the Ferguson Unit in Midway Texas a medium-security facility that houses about 2100 inmates. He is eligible for parole in 2027 when he will be 33 years old. However, his chances of getting out are slim as he has to convince the parole board that he is no longer a danger to society and that he has reformed and rehabilitated himself.

The aftermath and impact of the murder

The murder of Ella Bennett had a devastating impact on her mother Charity Lee who lost both of her children in one night. She was overcome with grief guilt and anger and blamed herself for what happened. She also struggled with addiction depression and suicidal thoughts and had to undergo therapy and counseling to cope with the trauma.

However, Charity also surprised many people by forgiving her son and maintaining a relationship with him. She visited him regularly in prison and wrote letters and phone calls to him. She said that she still loved him and that he was her son despite what he did. She also said that she wanted to help him heal and that she hoped he would find peace and redemption.

Charity also became an advocate for victims of violent crimes and founded a non-profit organization called The ELLA Foundation which stands for Empathy Love Lessons and Action. The foundation provides support and resources to families affected by violence trauma and mental illness and also promotes criminal justice reform and mental health awareness. Charity also speaks publicly about her story and participates in documentaries and podcasts.

Charity also had another son Phoenix who was born in 2013. She said that he was a blessing and that he helped her heal and find joy again. She also said that he knew about his brother and sister and that he loved them both. She said that she wanted to raise him with empathy and compassion and that she hoped he would never follow in his brother’s footsteps.

Latest updates on Paris Bennett

Paris Bennett has been in prison for 14 years and has about six years left before he is eligible for parole. He has not given any recent interviews but he has spoken to the media in the past and has given conflicting accounts of his crime and his mental state. In some interviews, he claimed that he was not insane and that he planned and executed the murder of his sister as a way to punish his mother. He also said that he felt no remorse and that he enjoyed killing. He also said that he was a psychopath and that he was born that way.

In other interviews, he claimed that he was mentally ill and that he suffered from hallucinations delusions, and paranoia. He also said that he regretted his crime and that he wished he could take it back. He also said that he was not a psychopath and that he was misdiagnosed. He also said that he loved his mother and his sister and that he wanted to make amends.

Paris also said that he wanted to get out of prison and that he had plans for his future. He said that he wanted to go to college, and study psychology sociology, or philosophy. He also said that he wanted to write books and share his story with the world. He also said that he wanted to help other troubled kids and prevent them from committing violence. He also said that he wanted to have a family of his own and that he hoped to find love and happiness.

However, many people doubt Paris’s sincerity and question his motives. They suspect that he is lying and manipulating and that he is trying to portray himself as a victim rather than a perpetrator. They also fear that he is still dangerous and that he could harm others if he is released. They also worry that he could hurt his mother again or his brother Phoenix.

Paris Bennett is a complex and controversial figure who has sparked debate and discussion about the nature of evil the causes of violence and the possibility of redemption.

Paris Bennett’s fast facts

  1. What happened to Ella Bennett? She was murdered by her elder brother Paris when she was only four years old.
  2. Who is Paris Bennett’s mother? His mother is known as Charity Lee. During the time of her daughter’s murder, she was working at Buffalo Wild Wings but at the moment there is no information about what she does for a living.
  3. Is Paris Bennett married? No, he is not married. He went to jail at the age of 13, and he is still serving his 40-year sentence.
  4. Where can you watch Paris Bennett and Ella Bennet’s documentary? The documentary is available on various platforms such as ITV, which began airing on 27th June 2019 from 9 pm.
  5. When will Paris Bennett be released from prison? His release from prison is scheduled to take place on 5th February 20147.
  6. How old was Paris Bennett when he murdered his sister? Paris was only 13 years old, while his sister was only four years old.
  7. Where was Paris Bennett’s mother when the murder was taking place? His mother was at work at Buffalo Wild Wings.


Paris Bennett is a 28-year-old American who killed his 4-year-old sister Ella in 2007 when he was 13. He stabbed her 17 times after sexually assaulting and choking her. He did it to hurt his mother Charity Lee who had relapsed into drug addiction. He confessed to his crime and was sentenced to 40 years in prison with the possibility of parole after 20 years.

He is currently in the Ferguson Unit in Midway Texas. He is a diagnosed psychopath with a high IQ and a manipulative personality. He has given conflicting accounts of his crime and his mental state and has expressed different plans for his future. His mother has forgiven him and still loves him and has founded a non-profit organization to help victims of violence trauma and mental illness. She also has another son Phoenix who was born in 2013.


Q: When and where did Paris Bennett kill his sister?

A: Paris Bennett killed his sister, Ella, on February 4, 2007, at their apartment in Abilene, Texas.

Q: How old was Paris Bennett when he killed his sister?

A: Paris Bennett was 13 years old when he killed his sister, who was 4 years old.

Q: Why did Paris Bennett kill his sister?

A: Paris Bennett killed his sister to hurt his mother, Charity Lee, who had relapsed into drug addiction. He also resented his sister for taking away his mother’s attention and love.

Q: How did Paris Bennett kill his sister?

A: Paris Bennett killed his sister by choking, sexually assaulting, and stabbing her 17 times with a kitchen knife.

Q: What did Paris Bennett do after killing his sister?

A: Paris Bennett called a friend from school, and then called 911. He pretended to be insane and said that he thought his sister was a demon. He also pretended to perform CPR on her, but he was pacing around the room.

Q: How was Paris Bennett caught and convicted?

A: Paris Bennett was arrested by the police, who found his sister’s body on the bed. He confessed to his crime and pleaded guilty to capital murder. He was sentenced to 40 years in prison, with the possibility of parole after 20 years.

Q: Where is Paris Bennett now?

A: Paris Bennett is now in the Ferguson Unit in Midway, Texas, a medium-security prison. He is eligible for parole in 2027 when he will be 33 years old.

Q: Is Paris Bennett a psychopath?

A: Paris Bennett is a psychopath, according to a psychological test that scored him 38 out of 40 on the Psychopathy Checklist. He has a lack of empathy, remorse, guilt, or conscience, and a tendency to manipulate, lie, and exploit others.

Q: How does Paris Bennett’s mother feel about him?

A: Paris Bennett’s mother, Charity Lee, has forgiven him and still loves him. She visits him regularly in prison and writes letters and phone calls to him. She also hopes that he will find peace and redemption.

Q: Does Paris Bennett have any siblings?

A: Paris Bennett has a half-brother, Phoenix, who was born in 2013. He is the son of Charity Lee and another man. He knows about his brother and sister and loves them both.